Thursday, 8 December 2016

Is it distasteful to talk publicly about Toby's' Illness ?

First off I can no longer make daily reports and have changed it to regular updates. I was putting too much pressure on myself by doing so. I was also not in the right 'space' to add anything. It is very emotionally draining travelling into west London which is so busy and crowded and something I am not used to, but I am adjusting.

I have been told that some people have found the blog and associated fund for Toby  distasteful whilst my son is so ill. This has left me in a spin and is another reason why I have been absent from the keyboard for a while.

I started this blog and appeal when I was in a highly emotional and distressed  state and under a lot of duress. I am sorry. maybe I should of waited till I calmed down somewhat but I have done what I have done. If you have an opinion on this then please comment on either this post or on FaceBook when I link to this post.

Now should I delete this blog I would be doing those that have followed it and given freely to the fund a disservice.

Distasteful ? Doesn't that say more about the person rather than the truth I am relaying. Is this something that is so British that we should not mention anything to anyone outside of the family. Is it wrong to appeal for help in the form of funds when crowdfunding is so accepted as part of the internet and social networking? Isn't this a very positive side to it where it's power can be used for good?

Much of this criticism has left me low and had me questioning my motives but then I just have an image of Toby and i wonder why he has to go through this. It should be me! But life deals us what it does and we have to accept it as painful as it is. Am I the victim here? Maybe so but I have not known how to handle much of this if I am honest.

Anyway now onto Toby

He has been moved to a room to isolate him from other patients as he has a diarrhea infection which is being monitored. He will not be going anywhere for a while as the antibiotic treatment will continue for some time. This is not good for his morale or his physio that  must move forward. He looked down and had a bit of a resigned attitude toward his lot. We , Kam and I had to remind him to be patient and resist being rude to the nurses although I can understand his frustration. It has been 9 weeks since he first entered that hospital.
I have to actually go now to visit with him again but one last thing. I have invited my son Ben to post on the blog. He seems to be a very good writer so he can help me out here.

Thanks for reading
love and peace to you all xx

Here is the link to the fund for Toby


  1. I am so sorry that there are people who are now being very negative towards you and what you are doing to help your beloved son. I am thinking about you all and sending you my heartfelt love and care at this time. My opinion is that you are doing the correct thing under you and your families circumstances. I believe that you are being both strong and brave with your Blog. I also think that you are an inspiration for many who are in a similar situation to you. Hugs and Love to you all x

    1. Thank you Cheryl so much for your support it is much appreciated. x
